Our triple agents

AG3 officers are unique in that they boast a triple specialization: they are safety officers first, but they also are workers in occupational health and safety and ultra-specialized first responders that are able to assist a victim in any situation. Their training far exceeds market standards, so that you can benefit from an unparalleled peace of mind.

Our services

At AG3, a security agency offering unique services, we train safety and prevention professionals, but above all, we train assistance professionals. Our superior service offering aims to very precisely meet the needs of our customers, in a way that combines quality and profitability.




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Our trainings

At AG3, our trainings are enhanced with a variety of practical and simulation exercises in order for you to receive a complete training that is relevant and adapted to the reality of the job. Your interpersonal skills, your quick thought process and your self-control will be put to good use.

Discover our corporate training
Discover our training for agents

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