These specialized trainings covering targeted themes are designed to supplement the security agents’ knowledge and skill base. They will allow them to distinguish themselves on the labor market and to access senior positions more easily.

All developmental training include both theoretical and practical components, as well as simulation exercises to allow participants to apply their knowledge.

The trainings

Communication and security (24 hours)

24 heures

A key tool for the work of a security agent, and too often underestimated, communication will be addressed from different angles: verbal and non-verbal communication, records, and reports, note pad use, questioning, active listening, various means of communication (radio, telephone calls…), etc.

Methodology (16 hours)

16 heures

In this course, we will address all the peripheral tasks pertaining to the work of a security agent. We will discuss the measures that must be taken after obtaining a new employment contract, the essential questions to ask a new client about the workplace under the agent supervision and a wealth of practical knowledge to ensure the security services are provided in the most professional way possible in the industry.

Surveillance (16 hours)

16 heures

This training covers in depth the surveillance of an individual, a location and various activities, including the methodology used for establishing a comprehensive and structured surveillance plan. The most effective methods of observation and all that surrounds the surveillance work (planning, execution, other tasks…) will be discussed. Lastly, a component will be dedicated to access control and search.

Patrol (8 hours)

8 heures

This module covers everything that affects patrolling practices, directly or indirectly, including the types of patrol, their objectives, situations that may disrupt a patrol, etc. Fire prevention, which is a key element of patrolling, will also be discussed.

Alarm Systems (8 hours)

8 heures

In this module, participants will look at the different types of detectors and alarms, their arming and disarming, the reasons why they trigger, the role they play in a burglary, etc. An agent’s response to an alarm will also be discussed.

Crowd and Traffic Control (16 hours)

16 heures

In this training, we will cover in more detail the work of a security agent in various situations where a crowd is involved, including how to control and direct traffic and how to speak to a crowd, a person or a group, the possible tasks during an event, the signs used for gestural communication, etc.

Approach, intervention and regulation enforcement (8 hours)

8 heures

This course focuses on the interventions needed in a context where a disgruntled individual refuses to collaborate or even shows signs of aggression. It will address the proper response of a security guard to such an individual, the intervention steps, the position and distance that the guard must maintain, the methods used to remove an “undesirable” individual, etc.

Why chose AG3?

Many security agent courses are offered by former police officers or professionals who boast undeniable qualifications, but who do not know all the ins and outs of the profession.

Indeed, a security agent’s work involves an important customer service component that must be flawless. This component involves prevention activities, writing of various types of reports as well as a wide range of risky situations where communication is key.

Delivered by a security expert with more than 25 years of experience in the industry, our trainings address these components in depth and include a wide array of practical exercises as well. Thus, our school prepares you like no other to work as a security agent with confidence and give you the unique skills required in the field.

Tell us about your needs to get a customized proposal!
